Saturday, April 23, 2016

Everybody Wants Some!! (2016)

College, beer, 70's to 80's rock, baseball, and tons of parties! Those are just a couple of words I can describe about Everybody Wants Some. Everybody Wants Some is directed and written by the one and only, Richard Linklater and stars Blake Jenner, Juston Street, Ryan Guzman, Glen Powell, etc. The story is about college baseball players living together and partying like no tomorrow!

This movie was great without a doubt one of my favorite comedies. Another great comedy for the year. Every line I felt like I laughed at, which is amazing writing in my book.  From beginning to end, you'll be laughing and love every character in this movie. The Film reminds me of The Sandlot but for adults and they party a lot! The movie is set in 1980 which it does feel like i'm in. From the outfits, soundtrack, VHS tapes, and many more. The camera itself looked like it was straight out of the late 70's to early 80's. 

This film strangely, has some deep thoughts from the character Willoughby. His basically the hipster of the group. With listening to Pink Floyd, smoking weed, and quoting Carl Sagan. Besides that, he had some great points about life in general. With him saying "Embarrass your weirdness. They'll think your cool that way." Which in a sense is true in some cases. 

What's also amazing about this movie is that they go to party's every night. The catch is that it's different every time. One time it might be at a disco or a punk band. The only thing that I felt was a bit odd was the romance in this film. It felt a bit cliche to me but, that was a very minor problem I had with the movie and I didn't dislike it because of that issue. All and all, I thought the film was a amazing comedy that I could watch countless times. I would give this movie a 5/5 stars. I would highly advise you to see this movie. It hasn't made a lot of money in the box office and it deserves more. 

This is the Average Movie Guy, signing off. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Deadpool Review (2016)

What can I say about Deadpool? He’s a 4th wall breaker, smart ass and badass, and the movie itself contains gore and more gore, decapitations, and just pure awesomeness. Those are just some words to describe Deadpool. Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, Brianna Hildebrand, and Stefan Kapicic. The story is about Wade Wilson, the ‘Merc with a Mouth,’ who finds out he has cancer. He then meets a guy in a bar that he goes to regularly, that tells Wade, “Your cancer will be cured and you'll become a superhero.” He figures out that it was a lie and his friend Weasel (T.J Miller) says, “You look like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.” Wade then sets out on a path of revenge against Ajax (Ed Skrein), the man who is responsible for his disfigurement. He and Weasel create a secret identity for Wade entitled Deadpool, so that Ajax would not recognize him.

Right off the bat, you'll be laughing your ass off with the jokes in this film; from the beginning satirical credits to the post credit scenes. Think about Guardians of the Galaxy but a hard R and a lot of 4th wall breaks. It ranks among the best comedies I’ve ever seen so far.

The casting director, Ronna Kress, is a genius for casting Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson/Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds nailed it in this movie. I couldn’t see anyone else portraying Deadpool. This part was made for him and he has redeemed himself from Green Lantern.

The special effects in this film are really good, from Deadpool decapitating people to using one bullet to kill three guys in slow motion. The director of this film, Tim Miller, was also a member of the visual effects team for the Scott Pilgrim movie, as well as the games Mass Effect 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. That being said, he’s not a rookie in the special effects department.

The script for this movie was fantastic. There are a lot of references; some winks and nudges to Reynolds’ career, including Green Lantern and his portrayal as a sewn-mouth Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It captured the characters perfectly in every way, and also makes for a kick-ass love story too; it’s a perfect Valentine's Day movie.

All in all, this movie was more enjoyable than Guardians of the Galaxy, from a comedic standpoint that is. Is it the best movie ever? No. However, it's a movie that the comic nerds, movie fanatics, and general audiences who want to have a fun time can enjoy. It has the action, the humor, and the gore that Deadpool embodies. I'm giving Deadpool 5/5 stars. I didn't want to spoil this movie because you should just watch it for yourself and enjoy it for what it is; a raunchy comedy with a lot of talent involved.

This is the Average Movie Guy, signing off.

Written by: Tyler Brown & Derek Swartz


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The Conversation Review (1974)

I just now started watching Coppola's films recently, starting with The Godfather, which I don't really need to comment on because it's a masterpiece. However, when I started watching this movie, I was shocked by the beauty of both the story and cinematography. After I saw the film, I went to it's IMDb page to find out who the cinematographer was, and discovered it was Bill Butler, who also filmed Jaws and Grease. Needless to say, I was impressed. From beginning to end, this movie contains the best cinematography my eyes have ever seen. It’s crazy to think that Coppola released The Conversation and Godfather Part II in the same year. Both films were nominated for the 1975 Best Picture as well as Original and Adapted Screenplay Oscars respectively, which has only happened to Coppola. Coppola also won a Palme d'Or, which is the highest award for a film in the Cannes Film Festival. The Conversation is the film that won that prestigious award.

The Conversation was directed and written by Francis Ford Coppola. It stars Gene Hackman, Harrison Ford, Cindy Williams, John Cazale, and Allen Garfield. The story follows Harry Caul (played by Gene Hackman), a private investigator on a job to spy on a couple. After listening to the audio from the couple’s conversation back at his office, he hears something that makes him scared, paranoid, and refuses subsequently to give the audio to his boss, Martin Stett  (played by Harrison Ford).

Gene Hackman nailed it in this movie. You really cared about him. He loves his job but despises its potential to get people hurt; he cares more about making people safe than getting money. He’s also very smart, as he does not give anyone his personal information, and he is innovational because he engineers the technology which he uses to do his job. You don't see him as Gene Hackman, you see him as Harry Caul. What I mean to say is, he seems believable as a real human being.

Harrison Ford portrayed a very creepy character in this film, a type of role which I am not used to seeing from him. As Martin Stett, he gives Harry the job to spy on a couple. After recording the conversation, Harry does not give the tape to Martin, consequently leading to Martin spying on him. Harrison Ford acted as though he was a character in a horror film and it was perfect. He doesn’t get much screen time, but when he’s on, he’s great.

The sound design and score was great too, with a very eerie sound emitting from the mics which were picking up on the conversation, accompanied by intense piano music when situations became dire. The score for this film was so masterfully composed that I would buy the soundtrack. The editing of the film was also incredible as exampled by the ever repeating conversation in Harry’s head.

All and all, I think The Conversation is one of my top 5 favorite films. I didn't have a single problem with this film and I thought it was breathtaking to watch. This is a classic thriller that will go down in history as one of the greats. I'm giving The Conversation 5/5 stars. If you can find this movie, buy it. Not a lot of people talk about this film, and most probably don’t even know about it, which is unfortunate because it’s a masterpiece.

This is the average movie guy, signing off.

Written by: Tyler Brown & Derek Swartz