Sunday, February 14, 2016

Deadpool Review (2016)

What can I say about Deadpool? He’s a 4th wall breaker, smart ass and badass, and the movie itself contains gore and more gore, decapitations, and just pure awesomeness. Those are just some words to describe Deadpool. Deadpool stars Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, Brianna Hildebrand, and Stefan Kapicic. The story is about Wade Wilson, the ‘Merc with a Mouth,’ who finds out he has cancer. He then meets a guy in a bar that he goes to regularly, that tells Wade, “Your cancer will be cured and you'll become a superhero.” He figures out that it was a lie and his friend Weasel (T.J Miller) says, “You look like an avocado had sex with an older avocado.” Wade then sets out on a path of revenge against Ajax (Ed Skrein), the man who is responsible for his disfigurement. He and Weasel create a secret identity for Wade entitled Deadpool, so that Ajax would not recognize him.

Right off the bat, you'll be laughing your ass off with the jokes in this film; from the beginning satirical credits to the post credit scenes. Think about Guardians of the Galaxy but a hard R and a lot of 4th wall breaks. It ranks among the best comedies I’ve ever seen so far.

The casting director, Ronna Kress, is a genius for casting Ryan Reynolds as Wade Wilson/Deadpool. Ryan Reynolds nailed it in this movie. I couldn’t see anyone else portraying Deadpool. This part was made for him and he has redeemed himself from Green Lantern.

The special effects in this film are really good, from Deadpool decapitating people to using one bullet to kill three guys in slow motion. The director of this film, Tim Miller, was also a member of the visual effects team for the Scott Pilgrim movie, as well as the games Mass Effect 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic. That being said, he’s not a rookie in the special effects department.

The script for this movie was fantastic. There are a lot of references; some winks and nudges to Reynolds’ career, including Green Lantern and his portrayal as a sewn-mouth Deadpool in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It captured the characters perfectly in every way, and also makes for a kick-ass love story too; it’s a perfect Valentine's Day movie.

All in all, this movie was more enjoyable than Guardians of the Galaxy, from a comedic standpoint that is. Is it the best movie ever? No. However, it's a movie that the comic nerds, movie fanatics, and general audiences who want to have a fun time can enjoy. It has the action, the humor, and the gore that Deadpool embodies. I'm giving Deadpool 5/5 stars. I didn't want to spoil this movie because you should just watch it for yourself and enjoy it for what it is; a raunchy comedy with a lot of talent involved.

This is the Average Movie Guy, signing off.

Written by: Tyler Brown & Derek Swartz


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